The purpose of the High Performance Cloud Computing Cross-Border Competence Consortium (HPC5) is to provide a meeting point where exploiting the intellectual potential of cross-border industries and business in the area of High Performance and Cloud Computing.

Mission & objectives

By promoting an unique combination of competencies and interests HPC5 will be able to provide advanced HPC and cloud computing services to encourage, facilitate and enhance research and innovation in vertical niches that generate high social and economic value.

The purpose of the High Performance Cloud Computing Cross-Border Competence Consortium (HPC5) is to provide a meeting point where exploiting the intellectual potential of cross-border industries and business in the area of High Performance and Cloud Computing.

The consortium started its activities in March 2012 and was officially launched on May 25th in Gorizia and showcased in June at the International Supercomputing Conference ISC2012 in Hamburg. There the consortium got in touch with ETP4HPC, the European Technological platform for High Performance Computing center who invited HPC5 to become full member of the association.

Founding members are now ready to go further on in the collaboration in order to achieve the ambitious goals outlined in the strategic plans. There are always ongoing discussions with other SME's in the area interested to join the consortium and contribute actively to it.

HPC5 is an Euopean DIH. The Digital Innovation Hubs (DIH) catalogue was set up to provide a comprehensive picture of DIHs in the EU across varying competences, structures and service offerings. To date, it is a repository with approximately 400 DIHs, over 200 of which are fully operational, including information on the technology and application specialisation, geographical coverage, markets addressed and general digitisation support available. HPC5 was amongst the first to be featured in the catalogue and is a proud and active member of the EU Digital Innovation Hub ecosystem.

HPC5 also became associated partner at Digital Innovation Hub Slovenia where together with other partners creates awareness and provide services to grow digital competencies, share digital experience and case studies locally, regionally and internationally, influence the government to adapt regulation and open its data to foster entrepreneurship.

The purpose of the High Performance Cloud Computing Cross-Border Competence Consortium (HPC5) is to provide a meeting point where exploiting the intellectual potential of cross-border industries and business in the area of High Performance and Cloud Computing.